Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cheese Demon

Hi, I'm Percy. I am addicted to CHEESE!

When I do not get enough daily treats of CHEESE, I turn into the CHEESE DEMON. 

What is this mysterious CHEESE DEMON you ask?

It's where I'm VERY BAD to my mommy and daddy and will go to any length to beg for cheese to satisfy my addiction. Caution, there is no stopping me.

There are four known side effects of CHEESE DEMON, they include pinned back ears, lots of jumping on humans, humans unable to take decent photos of subject because they are in CHEESE DEMON mode, and bitey face.

Punishment for CHEESE DEMON like states include banishment to a crate, no snuggles - only allowed sleeping at human's feet, and no treats until a calm state is achieved. A short depression may follow.

Please continue feeding pugs cheese as often as possible to avoid CHEESE DEMONS in your home.


  1. hahahaha...cheese demon.i think I shall try that.

  2. Aww, Percy, I think you need more cheese! :)

  3. Percy we know the feeling. We could hear that wrapper 976363738 miles away
    Benny & Lily

  4. Benny and Lily, that made me BARK OUT LOUD!
    Dw - I agree, bring on the CHEESE!
    Wilma - stay away from the CHEESE, you don't want to turn into a CHEESE DEMON like me. It involves losing treats and snuggle time.
    xoxoxox Percy

  5. I can totally relate. I'm a Popcorn Demon. Complete with biting, time out and depression. I might have to add cheese to my diet.

    Gracie the agility pug

  6. OMD this cheese demon is scary. Yes please feed us pugs more cheese in order to keeps this demon at bay! Phew!


  7. We luvs our cheese'ums, too! We don't go near enough to your great lengths...but we do get our fair share of the beautiful golden delight!
    Much luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums
    George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

  8. CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We once conned a two year old out of a cheese stick (she was eating one end while I gobbled up the other end). It is only like, the best treat ever. I think you have a true addiction Percy. Might have to call that Intervention show. Ever had a fresh banana? I go nuts for them!

    Kitty and Coco

  9. Popcorn demon...hmmm.. I've never had popcorn before! I must try this treat!!!
    No bananas.... my mama is allergic to them! (weird hey?!) and we don't keep them in the house, but I am sure I would love them!!!
